Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Race Report - Chilly 1/2 Marathon

Bib Pick-Up

Wasn't able to leave work until 5 PM. Opted to travel south on Keele Street to the QEW (instead of the packed highway 427). A good move, even though I ended going in the wrong direction when I made it to the QEW :-| The drive wasn't bad and got to the Travel Lodge Hotel close to 7 PM. Picked up the bib and time-chip, looked at the "mini" expo (even picked up a couple of 20% off Running Room coupons) and then it was back home. I really do not like the no race day bib pickup as it is a waste of time in traffic. Oh well.

Race Day

Wow! Talk about spring weather. Beautiful morning for a run -- about 8C and sunny. Couldn't have asked for better weather.

Left home at 8 AM and arrived at 8:45 AM. I found a parking spot on the street only a block from the start/finish line. Great to have free parking! With over an hour before the start of the race, I went to the Travel Lodge Hotel and found a complimentary copy of the Toronto Star so I read it (nothing interesting except conflict of interest with the TTC). I then went on a warm-up 25 minute run. Then it was back to the car to pickup the time chip and the bib. I was not pleased with how I tied the disposable time chip to my shoe -- should have done it at home as it was not secure. Fortunately, I found someone from the race who said I could tie the chip to my shoe lace. I don't like the "cheap" disposable chips since I recall hearing the horror stories from last year's ATB with the chip falling out.

With minutes remaining, made it to the start line. Unfortunately, most people were already lined up. I tried to get back but was lined up with the 1:30 anticipated finishers. Not much I could do at this time. The starter went off. A new route -- along the Lakeshore. Fluid stations every 3 K (water & eLoad; gels at 9 K and 15 K). My goal was to keep below 5:30/K. This is a training run, with ATB 30 K in a few weeks, and then the "A" Mississauga Marathon. Okay, there's also the Sporting Life 10 K -- couldn't resist signing up for that one, downhill on Yonge Street!

After stepping on the timing mats, it was packed with runners, which dispersed rather quickly. We headed west, south, reaching the first time mat at 2.3 K. Then it was running east on the Lakeshore into Oakville. After passing the 12 K, I was confused when I saw the 13 K on the other side; I quickly figured out we had to head north a bit, reached the second time mat at 12.6 K, and then south a bit before heading west on the Lakeshore all the back to the finish. While heading east, I recall getting "nervous" when I saw the slight uphill incline on the other side -- going east was mainly a slight downhill incline, which I always appreciate. Surprisingly (I can't explain this), the slight uphill incline was few as there was still slight downhill incline heading west. I still have no idea how this can be... The challenge running west was the wind.

Overall, it was not an easy half marathon since I know I started a bit too fast. My training has been slow runs (even during the weekdays). I took a brief break every 3 K to consume water or e-Load. The energy gels were appreciated at key points. The final 6 K were challenging as I had to take 30 second walk breaks every K or when there was a slight uphill incline. The final K I promised I would run. The crowds helped immensely to get me to the finish line. All this "trouble" and I have the full marathon in May :-|

My results today:

#839 out of 2518 (that puts me in the top 33.32%) :-)
Gun Time = 1:15:12
Chip Time = 1:54:44

Time Mats: 2.3 K = 12:28; 12.6 K = 1:07:53
Age Group = 110/199
Gender Place: 611/1174

I didn't know my PB for the half marathon was 2:03. So, today's run is a PB!! My prize:

While walking to the hotel for the Chilly, I had a good laugh when I saw a dog wear the Chilly tech shirt. Very cool! My dog, Bud, won't wear the tech shirt but he "agreed" to wear the finisher's medal:

And yes, the Chilly tasted great!! Enjoyed the race - well organized.


Double Bellybuster said...

Glad to hear you got an 8 minute PB Louis. I was the dude talking to you at the side of the 1:30 corral, nice to meet you.

Louis Lim said...

Wow, what a small world! Hope you had a great race :-)

Boris T said...

Congrats on the PB. Had to miss this one as I was out of town.