Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

2010 Races - Chilly 1/2 and ATB 30K

I just signed up for 2 races in the spring 2010 in order to take advantage of the early bird prices before they go up either today or on Tuesday:

* Chilly 1/2 Marathon -- $65 (early bird) + $5 (process fee) = $70

* Around the Bay 30 K -- $60 (early bird) + $5 (process fee) = $65

Can't believe I'm thinking of next year as I want to get through the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront full marathon first.

I'm going to keep track of my expenses during the 2010 year -- e.g., race fees; apparel; run-specific food such as gels and energy bars; etc. I'll put this tally in the right side bar. Hope I don't get shocked as the year progresses :-|