Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

10:1 (x4)

Another beautiful spring day in Toronto :-) After work (a bit late today), I got in 10:1 (x4) by running slowly. I just wanted to maintain the running as I am into tapering for the next 3 weeks until Mississauga half marathon. I got in 5.94K, averaging 7.25 minutes/K. Tomorrow's a rest day and hope to have another 10:1 (x4) on Thursday.

I'm currently reading Jeff Galloway's Marathon: You Can Do It! It seems packed with information and written in a positive manner. I really like Galloway calling the marathon an endurance event (rather than a race) as well as the importance of taking the walk breaks right from the start -- i.e., taking them when you need them is too late. He advocates 3 days of running per week (which is what I do) but his training plan is to go beyond the distance of a marathon - which is different from other training plans which call for covering 80% of the distance (to avoid injury).

Here' a cute link of what I wish my Bud could do with me on runs:
He's a Chow Chow who loves to walk.