Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

10:1 (x10)

TTC strike today! Just before going to bed last night at 10:50 pm, 680 news said that only 35% of the TTC workers voted in favour of the new collective agreement (50% + 1 vote is needed). Starting at midnight, all buses, subways, and streetcars stopped. As I write, 680 news says the provincial government will meet tomorrow afternoon to legislate the TTC workers back to work on Monday morning. Thank goodness... There must be another way to negotiate contracts than to inconvenience innocent people. It is hard to support those seeking a new contract when they use the public as "bait".

On a happy note, I did 10:1 (x10) this morning, completing my LSD with 14.41 K (a palindrome!). I started off slowly and during the few intervals, was running at a steady and faster pace. The weather was at times cloudy and other times sunny. I enjoyed the cool breeze. I brought along a bottle of spring water as well as 591 mL Gatorade. At the end of my LSD, I had to buy a bottle of Gatorade as I ran out -- that's 2 LSDs that that's happened. I noticed a few runners wearing their Boston Marathon 2008 appearel (Boston was last Monday). Lots of runners and power walkers out this morning. We're supposed to get thunderstorms this afternoon (they haven't arrived yet).

Next Sunday is the Sporting Life 10K run. Two weeks from now is the Mississauga half marathon.