Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Friday, April 4, 2008

10:1 (x3)

After work, I did 10:1 (x3) in preparation for the LSD on Sunday. I'm hoping for 10:1 (x11), with +12C and sunny weather. I covered 4.28K this evening, running very slowly just to keep the training going. I'm trying to be conservative to avoid injury. My average heart rate was 150 BPM, averaging 7:42 minutes/K -- yes, slow! Afterwards, I dropped into the local Running Room and picked up a copy of the current magazine as well as the catologue for shoes and clothing.

Tomorrow is the Harry's SpringOff in High Park. I'm not competiting in it due to the steep hills, opting for courses that are much flatter. One month today until the 10K Sporting Life down Yonge Street. That's a fun race and I'll use that 10K as my LSD which is a week before the Mississauga half marathon.