Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

10:1 (x10)

Great news -- ran on the Martin Goodman Trail (to the Humber River Bridge) this morning! The weather was sunny yet a bit cold (-5C) but no wind. I was pleased to see only a tad of snow remained -- otherwise, 99% of the path was dry. Yippee! Today was my longest run to date, 1 hour 50 minutes "out there" using the 10:1 (x10). I completed 14.45K, averaging 7.37 minutes/K, with an average heart rate of 156 BPM. I started off slowly, which was important. Only felt a bit fatigued during the final 10:1, but that's expected, I think. Next weekend I'll up it to 10:1 (x11). I'll have to bring along an energy bar or two for some more carbs than the sports drink provided.

Year to Date = 167.41K