Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

10:1 (x12); Reached 1000K for Year :-)

LSD this (but not cold) and sunny on a beautiful autumn day. If this weather repeats itself next Sunday for the Toronto half marathon race, that'll be amazing. I am thrilled to announce that I have reached the 1000K running mark early in my LSD today. Wow! Never thought I could do it in a year -- slowly and gradually I kept the routine of 3 runs per week (4 runs during the summer). The RR forum, in particular, the 1000K Summit Challenge has been instrumental in me reaching this goal.

My route was along the woods on the Martin Goodman Trail near Cherry Street and Commissoner's Road. Amazing view with the trees changing colours. Frequent runners along the route and friendly. It's always good to change the route once in a while.

Today = 17.82 K
YTD = 1017.33 K

One week until the Toronto half marathon. Will be going to the expo on Friday after work. I'll keep on the look-out for the poster I didn't buy at the Waterfront race. I found a video from the 2007 race: . I'm planning on signing up for the Mississauga Marathon race -- it'll be my debut at the 42.2 K distance as a runner. Lots of races are being planned for next year. I should also register for the Resolution Run on New Year's Eve (with the wonderful jacket!) as well as the Chilly half marathon.