Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

25.1 K LSD

LSD this morning which began at 8 AM. A bit late since I woke up late :-| Sunny and cool, with a breeze. I chose to run on the Martin Goodman Trail beginning at Parliament Street, heading south on Cherry Street, then east to the entrance of Tommy Thompson Park, and then into Ashbridges Bay, along the boardwalk, and then onto Queen Street and heading west to home. I wanted a reminder of what the Queen street route looked like for the Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon, which is only 2 weeks away :-) Can't wait!!

Got in 25.1 K this morning. A bit "sluggish" I would say. Had to buy a bottle of Gatorade at the Shoppers Drug Mart on Carlaw Street since I ran out. For the final 5 K, I ran at a faster pace than usual and the run felt good. Did feel the runner's knee on the left leg near the start of the run and remembered to stretch shortly after the run was over.

Still no photo of the new finisher's medals. Can't wait for the race and can't wait for the expo. I want to buy that running poster I've seen for 2 years -- just hope the booth is there again this year.

YTD = 1229.08 K