Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A new year brings excitement as goals are made. The radio says 2011 is the start of a new decade. It's also the year I turn 40 years old. Read a few days ago that a man celebrated his 42.2 years old by running a full marathon -- cool!

My major goal for the year 2011 is to run 2011 K. As I learned last year, it is not easy. After the fall marathon, it is "down time" and mileage slows down. Also, suffering an injury at the end of the ATB 30 K did not help. I need to balance my work so there are not days when I miss my runs. Running with my little man, Bud, has been great. During the past 2 weeks off, I have run like 9 out of 10 days. The runs with Bud are slow and for less than 1.5 K. But they count! I will continue to be a participant in the 2011 challenge on the Running Room forum as this is a fantastic motivator.

I just checked my e-mail to confirm I have registered so far for 4 races:

- Chilly Half Marathon $70
- Around the Bay 30 K $70
- Toronto Marathon $75
- Toronto Waterfront Marathon $91.53

I am awaiting registration to open for the Midsummer Night's Run 30 K. Other than that, I am not sure I will register for any more races due to the increasing fees. Maybe another fall marathon -- eyeing the Hamilton marathon as the Waterfront marathon in mid-October is too close to the Niagara Falls marathon (one that I would like to run in the future as it starts in the USA).

2011 will also mark a new pair of custom orthodics! Amazing how orthodics has helped me address runner's knee :-)

The Garmin has been reset to 0 K and all set for my first run tomorrow morning. Looking forward to an excellent year of enjoyable running. Hoping for a PB in the full marathon of less than 4 hours.


Boris T said...

I know what you mean about the fee's I took it easy this year when it come to running due to it. I know a few races that I won't be doing due to the fee's alone.

Robin said...

Agree about the fees...crazy. Hope you have a great year.