Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

15:1 (x12) LSD

Got in my longest run to date: 15:1(x12). Promised myself I would go slowly throughout to work on endurance (since the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon is 2 months away!). With thunderstorms anticipated for the afternoon, I didn't mind the overcast weather (okay, I got "stuck" in the rain in my final interval). Glad the sun wasn't making an appearance all the time as it was a bit muggy (although there was some cool breeze at times). I was on the Martin Goodman Trail with lots of other runners and bikers (few walkers today). Went west of the Humber River Bridge before making it back east along the Martin Goodman Trail. The city strike really has affected the dirtiness of many wastebins as they are overflowing.

During my run I thought of racing the Ottawa Marathon and the Toronto Marathon for next year. It'll be good to change races. I have never done an Ottawa race and have heard lots of great things about it. Looking forward to upping the LSD so I am ready for next month's 30 K Midsummer Night's Run.

Today got in 24.67 K, for a YTD = 951.50 K.