Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Highlights: Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham & Jenny Hadfield

Developed a cold (!) -- fortunately above the neck :-)

A few days ago, I completed re-reading Marathoning for Mortals by John "The Penguin" Bingham and Coach Jenny Hadfield. Meeting "The Penguin" at the Toronto Waterfront expo a couple of years ago os definitely a highlight -- he's down-to-earth and gives courage to the non-elite athlete to run. The book is not as informative as Jeff Galloway's book, though.

- race is a celebration
- areas of body which hurt in the past can hurt in the future [aches --> injury]
- cooldown: stretch muscles when warm at the end
- marathon involves both physical and mental strength
- runner's knee: weak quadriceps muscles that fail to anchor the patella in place; avoid pain by building mileage gradually to strengthen quads, calves, and hamstrings muscles
- diet: 50-60% carbohydrates; 30% fat; 20% protein (repair, rebuild muscles)
- LSD: sport drinks; gel/bar + water [1 per hour]; 100-200 calories per hour; don't wait until hungry as too late (begin 30 minutes into run)
- in winter, lose 40% of body heat through exposed head
- dress 15 degrees warmer than current temperature
- break marathon into parts
- taper 3 weeks before marathon
- mile 20 is "The Wall" (like carrying a refrigerator to the finish line)
- recovery after race: 1 day per mile [marathon = month]
- one step at a time!