Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Race Report: Toronto Waterfront Marathon - my 19th full marathon!

Left the house at 8:15 AM and slowly ran for 1.25 K to the race site. As the forecast throughout the week leading up to today was either cloudy, it was a pleasant surprise that it was sunny throughout the day.

The starting corrals this year were great - with the different colours for predicted finishing times far and apart. The starting line was located on University Avenue north of Queen Street, with the green starting corral south of Richmond Street. The race started at 8:45 AM with each corral in 5 minute intervals. The race started for me at 8:58 AM.

Due to construction, the race route had to be adjusted from previous years. The first 2 K were uphill incline to Bloor Street. This is never easy. Passed by Queen's Park as well as the Royal Ontario Museum. Then it was west on Bloor Street and then south on Bathurst Street until the 6 K mark. This was nice as heading south was downhill incline. Passed by Honest Ed's and Fort York. Then it was west on the Lakeshore until the turn near High Park at the 12 K mark. Great to pass by the Canadian National Exhibition, Ontario Place. Lots of spectators along the route here. Then it was east with the full and half marathoners parting ways close to the 20 K mark on Bay Street. A bit of running under the Gardner Expressway. Then it was back to the usual route on the Queens Quay East, reaching the half way point at Sherbourne Street. At the 22 K mark, it was south on Cherry Street followed by east on Commissioners Street until Carlaw Avenue. This was a quiet area as it is industrial. Then it was east on the Lakeshore, north on Woodbine to Queen Street, then east to Beech Avenue and then we headed west on Eastern Avenue. Great to pass by the Beaches.  Lots of spectators on Queen Street East as usual. The 35 K to 39 K route was used to "make up the distance" for the full marathon due to the construction. Passed by the Distillery District, St. Lawrence Market, and then north on Bay Street to the finish line.  

The race is well organized: starting corral; the fluid stations (gatorade first and then water) with stations on both sides and well spaced; lots of volunteers at the fluid stations and along the route; and police to ensure our safety. Lots of spectators along the route - especially at the start, Bloor Street, near the CNE, High Park, the Beaches, Queen Street, St. Lawrence Market, and the finish line. The walk from the finish line to the exit at Nathan Phillips Square is excellent - this helps with the cool down. 

Running uphill incline is never easy: first 2 K north of University Avenue, the hill on Lakeshore west of Dufferin; the bridge on the Gardner Expressway, the hills on Queen Street East, running north on Bayview, and then the trek to the finish line on Bay Street. Lots of power walking! 

Consumed 5 gels to help me get to the finish line. Took a walk break at each of the fluid stations. 

At about the 33 K mark, Ray Lim, asked me if I am "Louis Lim". He recognized my name when he checked results. He told me he has run 119 full marathons! He runs 1 marathon a month and started running in his 50s. Incredible! I know of Ray from his featured profile in a past Running Room magazine. 

The following is based on chip time:
  • Overall Place = 2730 out of 3646
  • Chip Time = 4:40:20
  • Age Category = 333 out of 391
  • Gender = 1870 out of 2321
  • 10 K = 1:01:59
  • 21.1 K = 2:07:46
  • 30 K = 3:07:06
  • 35 K = 3:44:02
  • 40 K = 4:22:45

The final 12 K was not easy (and never seems to be!). This is where the mental toughness takes effect - with lots of short walk breaks! Legs did tighten up but cooperated to get me to the finish line - thank you, legs!!!

And my proud buddy wearing the finisher's medal:

Once I got home, I took Bud to the race. This was past the 6 hour mark and racers were still reaching the finish line. Great to walk after the run to "loosen" up the legs - just don't appreciate it when Bud pulls me abruptly as he chases something :-|

Happy to have successfully completed marathon #19. Marathon #20 is in 2 weeks, the Hamilton Marathon. It has been a wonderful year of running!

YTD = 1362.2 K

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