Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Registered for Dallas Marathon - December 13

Have registered for the Dallas Marathon on Sunday, December 13. Leaving Toronto Saturday morning and returning Monday (have been approved for a personal day from work). I'm thinking I may run a USA marathon each fall. Once again, I will put my name in the lottery to run the New York Marathon (however, if selected, it will cost close to $500 CAD to register!). If I don't get selected, I'm eyeing the Philadelphia Marathon which occurs in mid-late November.

Need to make a deep tissue massage appointment for this week to have my legs loosened. Been a busy year with school and work; running has made everything manageable :-) Looking forward to full/ultra marathon #35 in a month. Then that'll be all until the Toronto Marathon in early May 2016.

On another note, Bud and I went to see the Santa Claus parade. Warm weather as we waited about 45 minutes until Santa Claus arrived. Bud told Santa he's been a good boy this year.

The star of the parade!!!

Bud was too small to see the floats; and I could not lift him.

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