Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Suprassed 500 K!

Yeah - (finally) surpassed 500 K. Yesterday, 2.5 K before work. I was assigned to another school and needed to report for 9 AM. So I went to Richmond Green area - nice scenes:

YTD = 500.1 K
(completed 29.4% of 1700 K goal)

Found the following article on the forum: a man run 3H 11M to qualify for Boston Marathon - yet past marathon times are 3H47M or more. So how did he do that? The only photos taken of the runner were at the finish line. There are no time mats during the course. Perhaps he got someone else to qualify for him?? I could not do that. The only way I could run the Boston Marathon is to participant using a travel package or fundraise.

Tomorrow is full/ultra marathon #29: Whitby International Marathon.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Good luck on your run today!!