Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Race Report: Whitby International Marathon

The Whitby International Marathon is in the books - marathon #17 (including last year's 50 K ultra). I had signed up early for this race last year with the bargin price of $30 + $3 processing fee (total = $33.00). When people say you get what you paid for, I understand! I cannot see myself paying $85 for this race. But, I am remaining positive as I'm seeing this marathon as a "bonus" with the 2 local marathons (Toronto, Mississauga) continuing to be on the same day (!).

Great weather! Sunny and in the mid-teens, with no humidity. I wore my sunglasses and cap. The cap really is good as it keeps the sun out of my eyes.

Issue 1: Communication
There was no e-mail several days before the race with final race instructions. I even checked the web site and nothing. I wasn't even sure the race was a go.

Issue 2: The Route
On the web site, there was an update that the route had changed from last year. Due to construction, there would be 2 loops for the full marathon. Guess there's nothing the race organizer can do. The majority of the route was on the waterfront trail. An advantage of the 2 loops is in the 2nd loop you are familiar with the route. It is scenic. Tonnes of mosquitoes in the 1st loop. Kilometre markers were spray painted on the ground (!). In the 2nd loop, some of the volunteers at key turns on the route had left.

Issue 3: Accuracy
Like last year, the race was not 42.2 K. Since we ran on paths, there should not be much difference from the Garmin. There is no reason why my Garmin would say I ran 41.2 K. With the tangent used at turns, an accurate race would have my Garmin state I ran more than 42.2 K. This race is a Boston Qualifer so this is problematic.

Issue 4: Fluid Stations
Some stations had only water. Fortunately, I brought along 3 gels - good thing I bought them last month at the Running Room store. All stations were stocked with fluids. It would be good to use different cups for water and e-Load. The fluids were cold :-)

Issue 5: Spectators
This race turned to be so low key I wonder how many of the residents of Whitby knew about the race. Spectators were non-existant along the route and at the finish line. There were a handful of spectators on the trail. 

Issue 6: Time Mat
There was a time mat for the start and for the finish. There was no time mat along the route. For someone wanting to cheat to qualify for Boston, this is the race! It's always good to have official results midway to compare results.

Issue 7: Same tech shirt and finisher medal!
Very surprising.

Even with the above issues, I am happy to have registered for this race. As I said, it is a "bonus" - unless I signed up for the Ottawa Marathon. The route is safe as there were auxilliary police officers on the street. The volunteers were nice.

The rule of thumb is not to run a full marathon for almost 4 weeks - i.e., 26 days. Unfortunately, my massage therapist was sick last week so missed the opportunity to loosen the legs. Wow - the right leg got very tight and after a brief stretch, I was good to go. Will need to loosen with "The Stick" and to reschedule my massage appointment.

* Overall = 58 out of 69 (for a 4th year marathon, very few registrants)
* Gun time = 4:37:15
* Chip time = 4:36:56
* Pace = 6:35

YTD = 641.9 K

Next race in 4 weeks: Niagara Ultra 50 K :-)

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