Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Morning run at York University before a meeting (off from work today) -- got in 6.30 K. Cold but very rewarding on the lungs :-) Still snow and ice on the grounds. Was thrilled to have run around the university! BTW - university has been on strike for 2 months now with the TAs and part-time faculty wanting more job security. I do feel sorry for the students when they return with no reading week and having to cram everything in (i.e., finish 1st semester, exams, 2nd semesters, exams) with no time off.

Tonight we're getting 10-15 cm of snow in Toronto. Oh boy :-| The YakTrax Pro stay on my shoes!

YTD = 23.57 K