Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Book Highlights: Jeff Galloway's "Marathon You Can Do It!"

Jeff Galloway's Marathon: You an Do It! is an extremely informative book with lots of common sense tips. Here are the highlights I will need to remember as I train to RUN my first marathon.

PS: Cannot click on book to view inside as I got the picture from

- rest is important for muscles to rebuild stronger than before; reduce # running days and increase mileage in the run days is better

- walks: most important to take in first mile BEFORE feeling fatigued - to ease fatigue, speed recovery, reduce injury

- do not run day before LSD

- eat a snack within 45 minutes of finishing LSD of about 200-250 calories, with 4:1 ratio of carbohyrdates to protein

- stay low to the ground; reduce stride (especially when tired near the end of race - DO NOT OVERSTRIDE!); maintain upright body posture by looking ahead; relaxed shoulders

- no stretching during run or immediately after run - best warmup: (1) walk; (2) jog; (3) get into pace

- keep heart rate at 70-80%

- after reaching finish line, walk for a mile

- for marathon time of 4:20, 3 runs during the week 10:1 (x5) and an LSD on Sunday (building up beyond 26.1 miles) - page 44

- in marathon, start 15 seconds per mile slower so can run 20 to 30 seconds per mile faster at the end

- at 12 to 15 miles, take a PowerGel or energy bar and consume with water, continue doing that until the end of the marathon to avoid drop in blood sugar level (BSL)

- when struggling, use distractions (e.g., see stop sign, water stop, etc. ahead), focus on person ahead, take a walk break

- until reaching 18 miles, can run long every week; then run long every 3rd week - see page 44 where mileage is increased 2 or 3 miles

- first sign of injury, take a day or 2 off; aches and pain come and go in training - if disappear after a day or 2, probably not an injury