Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bud has Entropion

The vet called for a reassessment of Bud's left eye since the swelling hasn't gone away in a week - it was supposed to be gone after 48 hours with Benadryl. Bud's regular vet (who has worked with many Chows) saw him this afternoon and diagnosed him with Entropion -- the inward rolling of the eyelids. The vet said it's a common problem with Chows. He prescribed me an ointment and showed me how to administer the cream into his eye 3 times a day. I just administered it without difficulty :-) (Quite surprised my little man didn't resist and am thrilled!). At the end of the month, I take him back to the vet who will determine if surgery is required. If so, it'll cost close to $600 but Bud's my little man and I do what it takes to keep him well (like any good parent would for their child).

Here's an article

I also Googled "Elizabethan Collar" and oh boy, Bud will need to wear that "hood" on his head -- last time he wore it (got neutered) he couldn't sit or lie down :-(

Here's a couple of photos I took of Bud yesterday. Notice his left eye continues to be swollen (looks like he got punched in the eye): day today (must remember this is a RUNNING blog).