Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

10:1 (x12)

Got out of bed at 6:15 am and opted to walk Bud and then get out on my LSD. Radio said rain is forecasted in the morning. Since I wanted to also get in a 40 minute run on Victoria Day, I had to get myself "out there".

I set my Garmin for 10:1 (x12) and off I went. After running 100 m, had to return home to pick up the iPod. My route took me through Trinity-Bellwoods Park, the Canadian National Exhibition, and then the Martin Goodman Trail, turning around at the Humber River Bridge. With a couple of km from the Humber River, the rain started. Fortunately it was short-lived and the weather remained cloudy for the duration of the run. I was pleased with the pacing as I remained conservative, averaging 7.44 minutes/K. My heart rate was 145 bpm. I covered a total of 17.08K, resulting in a total of 337.72K in 2008.

Last night, I ordered a DVD of Runners High, which Sarah posted on the Running Room forum. It's about documenting the journey of some high school students as they embark on running a marathon.

Also, jharbeck on the Running Room forum shared the following link on "Rules of Running" I really like #10. All runners are equal, some are just faster than others; #14. When standing in starting lines, remind yourself how fortunate you are to be there; #22. No matter how slow you run it is still faster than someone sitting on a couch; #34. Don’t try to outrun dogs; and #52. Running is simple. Don’t make it complicated.