Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

10:1 (x3)

Warm and sunny today! +16C outside. Tomorrow's supposed to rain so I opted for a very slow 10:1 (x3) in the neighbourhood after work (and after Bud got his walk). Lots of people sitting in patios, people in shorts, and folks running. If only everyday was like today...

I added 4.23K to my 1000K challenge, with an average heart beat of 153 BPM. I averaged 7:48 minutes/K, with the final 10:1 a bit faster than anticipated (6:36 min/K). My right leg was a bit tight before the run so I went very slowly. Need to remember to stretch! I'm doing a bit of weight lifting to build up the muscles.

I'm busy Thursday after work so I hope to get in 10:1 (x3) again on Friday, with my LSD on Sunday. I hope the weather cooperates.

The May issue of Runners' World arrived! I'll add it to my bed time reading. I'm currently re-reading John Stanton's Running: Start to Finish. Got a mailing advertising the Toronto Challenge 5K race. The highlight was meeting Doug Gilmour last year. Not sure if I will do that race again as there is no finisher's medal. But it's a great route and I enjoyed the BBQ last year as well.