Running in Year 2023 (Goal 2023 km)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

No running...snow; stomach flu

This has been a truly frustrating winter. Snow, snow, snow, ... and 680 News says March will have more snow, snow, snow. I haven't run since my last blog :-( I've been under the weather the last 1/2 week due to the Stomach Flu. I saw the doctor Monday afternoon who diagnosed me with that. Further information is available at I've taken 2 days off work so far and hope to be back to work tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day of school before March Break. I haven't even thought about the break -- just trying to get better. I finally feel stronger today after so much quality sleep. With the stomach flu, I just want to sleep. Eating is Campbell's Chicken Soup. Love the taste of Apple Juice. The symptoms include throwing up and diarreha. Come to think of it, my pup, Bud, threw up on Saturday morning. I wonder if he had stomach flu??

15 cm snow last night, with freezing rain. Another 15 cm snow on Saturday. Radio says 450 crashes today. No running for the next few days... I know I'll have to "go backwards" on my training. I miss running on the Martin Goodman Trail. Here's an all-too-familiar photo I've downloaded from the 680 News web site: