Thursday, October 30, 2008
Winter Pants; 10:1 (x4)
Got in 10:1 (x4) after work. A slow and enjoyable run, covering 5.55 K. Look forward to my Sunday morning run. What I do not look forward to is sleeping -- last night woke up at 1:00 am with a terrible cough. During the day, it's okay. I had to drink cough syrup and that got me back to bed.
YTD = 1074.76 K
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
10:1 (x4)
Still coughing (!) but the cold is getting better...
YTD = 1069.21 K
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Race Report: Ajax Half Marathon
I wasn't sure if I would run this race. It depended if it was raining and how I felt. This morning I seemed fine and it wasn't raining so it was a go. Left the house at 7:15 am and got to the site slightly after 8:00 am. I had 1 hour to pick-up my bib, tech shirt, and goodie bag. The goodie bag was a handbag filled with a box of cereal, 3 packs of gum, a Panago pizza $5 coupon, as well as some flyers on energy savers. While walking to the Rotary Park Pavillion building, it was very windy along the waterfront. It was at this time that I erred and should have brought along a winter toque (they should have had a booth selling them!). I did bring along a cap and that'll have to do. I wore my RR jacket and a tech shirt underneath, along with the track pants I bought last week at the Toronto Marathon expo.

Got in a quick 10 minute warm-up run before making it back to the start line. This is a small race, which consisted of 16 walkers and 238 runners. The walkers started at 8:30 am and the runners at 9:00 am.

I hope to resume runs this Wednesday. My final race this year is the Resolution Run in late December.
This week = 22.04 K
YTD = 1063.58 K
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Chicago Marathon: Runners Helping Others
I didn't realize that getting assistance on a course results in disqualification from qualfying for the Boston Marathon. Someone posted an article from the Runner's World, from the fallen runner's perspective: It's a great read. In the video, I noticed that the runner did taken to the 2 men who came to his assistance (they got there before the medics did). Since the fallen man didn't get a qualifiying time for Boston (the other 2 men already qualified), he accepted their help to get back on his feet. A more "hurting" story would have been crawling to the finish line and qualifying for Boston, then to receive assistance and meet the qualifying time but being disqualified since you got assistance.
For someone like myself who will not qualify for Boston, I would ask the fallen runner if he was okay and wanted help. I think that's important since you don't want to assist someone who refuses (as who knows what damage can be done to the person's body).
Friday, October 24, 2008
Week #2 No Runs This Week
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Race Report: Toronto Half Marathon [PB]
Awoke at 5:30 am. Walked and fed Bud. Got dressed (everything organized last night) and out the door by 6:20 am. Warm-up run to the shuttle bus located at the Marriott Hotel (Yonge and College). After last year's "disaster" arriving late 20 minutes for the half marathon, I strategically chose another bus location (since many of the out-of-towners were staying close to the expo and would take the University and Richmond shuttle bus location). Even though the race organizers assured me there would be more buses, I didn't want a repeat. They gave me a $15 discount for last year's mishap.
Was pleased to see 4 shuttle buses lined up! I boarded the first bus and within a few minutes, it departed. It went up Yonge Street until Bloor. Then headed on east to Mount Pleasant heading north to Lawrence. Then north on Yonge Street to the start. (Not sure why the bus just didn't head up north on Yonge for the entire journey). Arrived at about 6:50 am and had lots of time to spare. Fortunately, warmth was found in the Civic Centre mall. Got in another 10 minute warm-up run and then some stretching.
Overall, it was quite chilly and I did wonder if I had under-dressed (sure contrasts wearing a winter coat 2 years ago!). Kept the jacket on until I deposited my bag at the Bekins truck. Nothing came out of my mouth (I have a cold) when I asked the lady to write my bib number on the bag as well. I wore my Mississauga marathon tech shirt from 2 runs ago and my new track pants I bought at the expo for $30.00. I thought about wearing my running short tights but opted not to considering my current cold.
Start Line:
Wow, talk about a "mess" :- Okay, I admit arriving 5 minutes before 8:00 am and it was very difficult to make it to the start line, with the spectators standing on the sidelines. I did my best to join the masses in the middle of the pack. There really should be corrals with anticipated finishing times to help situate the runners and walkers. I think I did a good job situating myself.
The Race:
Having walked the half marathon race the past 2 years, I knew the route well. Running it was different due to the hills (I counted 4 of them -- hope I'm right). I ran Hoggs Hollow successfully but knew I had done some "damage" that could affect me later in the race. After Hoggs Hollow, there were 3 "minor" hills to climb -- aargh! The downhill was fine after the uphill. I enjoyed the Rosedale Valley and the fall colours. Although the race is advertised as "downhill,!", the uphills made this a challenging race.
I always enjoy the scenery going down Yonge Street. The route began on Beecroft Road, south on Yonge Street (past Sheppard; Wilson; Lawrence; Eglinton; St. Clair) and then turning east on Aylmer Avenue downhill along the Rosedale Valley. Once we reached Bayview Avenue, we continued running south to King Street, passed through the St. Lawrence Market (passing by Jarvis; Church; Yonge; Bay) and then north on University Avenue until reaching north of College Street to the finish line victory lap.
The hills took a toll on me. One spectator had a sign that read "Hills build character" at the Hoggs Hollow. Of the 3 half marathons I've run this year, this one was definitely the most challenging. I prefer the flat route of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront and the downhill (and no uphill) Mississauga. During the final 8 K, I "struggled" -- I think I went too fast at the beginning, but this was a bit challenging considering the first half of the route isn't flat. By the time the route flattened, I just kept pushing ahead as best I could. I used 10:1 but took a few 30 second breaks as needed as well as breaks at the fluid stations. When I saw the huge and silver finishing medals, that gave me some strength to push to the finish line.
The kilometre markers were confusing...Was shocked with the first marker since my Garmin read 1.25 K. I got confused with the other kilometre markers since I saw double of each of them; i.e., there were two 5 K markers. I eventually figured out the first marker was for the half marathon and the second marker for the second marker. After the first kilometre marker, my Garmin was about 0.07 K off so I knew which marker to follow.
The fluid stations...The fluid stations were not strategically placed. The first station was quite a distance from the start line (maybe 4 or 5 K). I recall 2 fluid stations about 100 m apart and remember saying to myself what a waste to have the second station. One station only had water -- although they were using Gatorade cups and I took the cup expecting Gatorade. The volunteers worked hard, even though at some stations they were in "panic" mode trying to keep up with the demand. Lastly, the Gatorade was too watery. What I did like was the same flavour throughout.

It took 2 volunteers to remove my time chip -- guess I did too good of a job tightening it ;-) Was thrilled a volunteer put the finisher's medal around my neck (rather than just handing it to me). Found a box with space blankets and quietly put it on to keep warm -- didn't want to make my current cold any worse. Lots of food available (e.g., Gatorade; bagels; bananas; granola bars; chocolate milk). The one item I wanted but couldn't find was the "speciality" chips -- never tried them and they are quite expensive at the supermarket. Also got a Goodlife cap and a handbag (while looking for the chips). The bag check is a gold mine for thieves; it was not supervised and some bags were luggage. Went to the Hart House for a shower and then headed home.
Bud was pleased to see me and I took him on a walk to University and Elm Street to see the marathoners make their trek for the final kilometre. We got there at about 1:00 pm so these were fast marathoners, with finishing times around 4 hours. I brought along an eatable bone to keep him occupied while I clapped. Many were struggling to make it to the finish line, some even walked. A few runners were accompanied by the Psych Team on bikes. Not surprising with the struggling runners since it was a tough route, with the hills in the first half (the second half of the full marathon is along the Martin Goodman Trail, which is flat).
Finish Statistics:
Chip Time = 2:04:56.3 [PB]
Gun Time = 2:06:24.2
Gender: 259/338
Category: 1576/2149
The finisher's medal continues to be outstanding. I think it's great that there are finisher's medals for the full marathon, half marathon, and 5 K. I found the engraving booth and paid $5 to have my medal engraved.

What I need to do is recover from today's marathon and then winter running, building up to the half marathon for early March and 30 K for April. That'll be challenging... and I'll need to focus on nutrition (e.g., preventing the "hit the wall" scenario) as well as how to run in the winter -- last winter, I never ran in the snow.
Friday, October 17, 2008

Other highlights:
* Signed up for Canadian Running. Can't go wrong with a free issue and socks and then a year's subscription of 7 issues (total = 8 issues) for $17.95 tax included.
* Crossed off some of the items I needed to buy:
- Running track pants for $30.00 -- the lady allowed me to leave my "goody" bag so I could try on the pants in the washroom -- a small fits wonders for me;
- spun the RR wheel and was thrilled I won a prize (and didn't get the 10% coupon I got at the Scotiabank Waterfront expo) -- I took the Velcro Pocket which the man working at the wheel says retails $6.00 -- I now have a way to store my keys when wearing my running short tight
- signed up for the Mississauga Marathon -- wow, only $65.00 for the full marathon (that's the price I paid for this weekend's half marathon); there's a 1 in 5 chance the registration will be complimentary -- I need to win...
* Was hoping to sign up for the Around The Bay 30K but only on-line registrations are being taken.
* Went 3 times around the expo and picked up 3 bottles of the Gatorade G2 bottles (and some buy 1 get 1 free coupons)
* Great sample of banana bread -- very soft and tasty
* Here's something usual ... Xocai's The Healthy Chocolate. I tried 3 samples -- delicious. Only shocker is the price -- $150.00 for 140 squares in the box (As an aside, I'll stay with dark chocolate until I win the lottery...)
* Another interesting booth was the Greens+ -- it's to cleanse the body. I just did the pH test that came with the brochure and my pH = 6 (too acidic). I'll have to read the brochure provided.
* I was hoping for the Poster booth (at the Scotiabank Waterfront expo) to be at this expo but they weren't. I'll have to wait until next year.
Even though the Scotiabank Waterfront expo had so many booths in the spacious location, I didn't buy anything. Today's expo was great Now to sleep off this cold so I can actually run the race ...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sick + Advice from RR Forum
Here's a thread that I starting on the RR forum with a snipets of ususal advise from my on-line colleagues:
Posted: 16 Oct 2008 02:20 Post subject: Running + Colds
I read the following in the current (November 08 issue of the Runner's World (p. 29):
Running hard can give you a cold. Hard exercise suppresses the immune system,
making the body more susceptible to infection. Fend off a postrun flu by
regularly eating apples, garlic, and onions. These food contain quercetin, a
compound that studies have linked to increased immune health.
With the Toronto Marathon approaching, a cold developed yesterday (this afternoon, I began losing my voice and now am coughing) I "felt" something wrong on Monday, the day after my LSD (the same happened last week as well). I'm coming to the reality that I may have (another) DNS I missed my 40 minute run this morning and will miss it again tomorrow. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed I can run the half marathon race on Sunday. I've never heard that it is a fact that running can lead to a cold...
From i_blokland:
The key symptom will be the cough (the old "above the neck" vs. "below the
neck" advice). In the meantime, stay hydrated, keep your electrolytes topped up,
get plenty of sleep, and on Sunday, stash a handkerchief or two in your
pocket.So long as your lungs are clear, a stuffy nose is only going to be an inconvenience. Even still, it is a good idea to run more conservatively than if you were healthy.
From impet:
My understanding is that running suppresses the immune system only if you
suddenly subject yourself to an extremely intense or long workout, which most of
us don't do. If you've just been building up (or, in fact, tapering!) sensibly,
then it's far more likely that your cold is attributable to bad luck.
From jwolf:
If I have just head-cold symptoms, I usually don't have to slow down or run
more conservatively at all, actually. That is, unless I'm feeling really tired
and run-down-- then it doesn't really matter where the symptoms are, I usually
take a rest day to help the immune system recover.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Registered for Resolution Run and Chilly Half Marathon
I've also registered for the Chilly Half Marathon in Burlington on March 1st, 2009.
This is always a sell-out and it'll be good to pave the way for registering for the Mississauga Marathon, which I'll do this Friday at the Toronto Marathon expo. It'll be good to make this official so on wintery days, I will still run. That's my next challenge -- how to run in the winter and in snow.
During yesterday's LSD, I thought about my upcoming races for 2009:
- Chilly Half Marathon
- ATB 30 K
- Mississauga Marathon -- "A" race
- HBC 10 K (July 1)
- Nissan 10 Miler
- Midsummer's Night 30 K
- Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon
- Toronto Marathon -- "A" race
With each passing day, the excitement thickens with the Toronto half marathon arriving on Sunday next week!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
10:1 (x12); Reached 1000K for Year :-)
My route was along the woods on the Martin Goodman Trail near Cherry Street and Commissoner's Road. Amazing view with the trees changing colours. Frequent runners along the route and friendly. It's always good to change the route once in a while.
Today = 17.82 K
YTD = 1017.33 K
One week until the Toronto half marathon. Will be going to the expo on Friday after work. I'll keep on the look-out for the poster I didn't buy at the Waterfront race. I found a video from the 2007 race: . I'm planning on signing up for the Mississauga Marathon race -- it'll be my debut at the 42.2 K distance as a runner. Lots of races are being planned for next year. I should also register for the Resolution Run on New Year's Eve (with the wonderful jacket!) as well as the Chilly half marathon.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
10:1 (x4)...So Close!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
10:1 (x4)
As I write this entry, it is raining, has been raining for most of the day now; so fortunate it didn't rain this early morning. Eventually, I will not be able to wear shorts. I wanted to head to the Running Room to check out running pants but didn't due to the rain. Maybe tights? I have a 20% coupon that needs to be used by the end of the month.
YTD = 993.73 K
Sunday, October 5, 2008
LSD 10:1 (x12)
Two weeks until the Toronto half marathon. I will probably sign-up for the Mississauga Marathon at the expo. I'll need to think of the training programme for the 42.2 K run, with the trickiness of the winter. I don't like running on snow or ice... I'll need to think if I should sign up for the Chilly half marathon and the ATB 30 K.
Thursday 10:1 (x4)
Cold this morning. Still wore shorts and a tech shirt. Another good run, with 5.57 K covered. While on the way back to the car, a supermarket worker commented that he wore a winter coat (after he saw what I was wearing).
YTD = 970.53 K
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
10:1 (x4) + New Shoes!
YTD = 964.96 K